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Track of the Day – Stephan Laubner – Portside Waves

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Our track of the day comes from a very active producer from the hard wax milieu. There are two kind of artists out in this world. The ones who like to be in center of attraction, enjoying the masses and then there are this kind of artists who constantly stay below the radar and let the music do the talking. Like STL aka Stephan Laubner. Less is known about this producer who has a very interesting back catalogue of releases. It seems that he is deeply rooted in the tradition of putting the individum not in the forefront and let the music do the talking. The oldest release is dated back in 1999 on the ever amazing Perlon label. Today this track can still be found in many record cases. It was original released as the a-side of a split record together with a guy called Riacardo Villalobos. So basically not the badest way to start a career as a producer. Portside Waves is a minimal techno monster, but never looses the focus on the dancefloor. There are very view sounds used and therefore it’s a perfect example of driving energetic minimalism. This is minimal techno music long before the term minimal became a curse word. A milestone from one the last underground heroes of techno and house. (nutrasweet)







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